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Rupert Taylor

Rupert Taylor

January 1970

Blog| Effective PMOs

Making Agile Accountable: PMO's Guide to Iterative Delivery Reporting

A roadmap of continuous improvement (let’s call it “agile” with a small “a”) has the capacity to generate innovation, productivity and a competitive ...

by Rupert Taylor on August 2019

Blog Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Sponsors PMO reporting PMO Learning

Join our Growing PMO Learning Community!

Get fast tracked access to free PMO Learning resources, tools, events, tutorials and networking with your fellow PMO professionals!

by The Kivue Team January 2023

Blog Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Sponsors PMO webinar PMO reporting portfolio prioritisation

New PMO eBook: Solve your Portfolio Prioritisation Pain Points

Download the eBook now for top tips and actionable tactics to select and run the right projects... The Next-Gen PMO's Guide to Portfolio ...

by The Kivue Team November 2023

Webinars Blog Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Sponsors PMO webinar PMO reporting portfolio prioritisation

New PMO webinar: getting on top of portfolio prioritisation

An on-demand Lunch and Learn webinar, hosted by Rupert Taylor, CEO and Andy Parsons, COO, Kivue Ltd. Tackle Portfolio Prioritisation Once and for All ...

by The Kivue Team October 2023

Webinars Blog Bar Chat Videos Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Sponsors PMO webinar PMO reporting RAG culture risk management

WATCH: 5 PMO Strategies for Portfolio Control in Volatile Times

Recently, Rupert has been sharing his Portfolio Management and Reporting expertise to help PMOs keep a strong hand on the tiller as you navigate the ...

by The Kivue Team April 2023

Kivue Perform Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Papers & ebooks Sponsors PMO reporting

New PMO eBook: Pain-Free Portfolio Reporting for Your PMO

In our experience at Kivue, most PMOs face significant portfolio reporting pain points associated with siloed data, inefficient reporting, and a lack ...

by The Kivue Team July 2022

Webinars Blog Bar Chat Videos Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Sponsors PMO webinar PMO reporting RAG culture risk management

WATCH: Tips, Tactics and Tooling for the Next-Gen PMO

Over the past few weeks, Rupert has been sharing a series of BAR Chats on the subject of the 'Next-Gen PMO'. What does it really mean, why should we ...

by The Kivue Team August 2023

Kivue Perform Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation Change Leadership Papers & ebooks Sponsors PMO reporting

New eBook: Benefits Tracking for the Next-Gen PMO

In the first half of 2023, Kivue has been focusing on the theme of the 'Next-Gen PMO'. What do we mean by that? In a nutshell, the term describes the ...

by The Kivue Team July 2023

Blog Effective PMOs

Making Agile Accountable: PMO's Guide to Iterative Delivery Reporting

A roadmap of continuous improvement (let’s call it “agile” with a small “a”) has the capacity to generate innovation, productivity and a competitive ...

by Rupert Taylor August 2019

Blog Effective PMOs

Gen Z & C-Suite: Harnessing the New PMO Profile's Power

In 2019, Generation Z will account for 32% of the global population. Characterised by their innate affinity with disruptive technology, competitive ...

by Rupert Taylor July 2019

Portfolio Optimisation Papers & ebooks

Transforming the Best Practice Narrative:

I’ll start this paper with a caveat. I’m absolutely in favour of best practice as an achievable organisational ambition. The ambition, however, ...

by Rupert Taylor July 2019

Blog Effective PMOs Portfolio Optimisation

Preparing for Brexit – it may be easier than you think

It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who first observed that change is the only constant in life. That was over two thousand years ago. Had he ...

by Rupert Taylor May 2019

Webinars Effective PMOs

Kivue & PMO Flashmob Webinar: Bridging the Chasm Between Execs and PMOs

We teamed up with PMO Flashmob to explore the key pain-points affecting both execs and PMOs in a webinar – Exec Level Portfolio Reporting: 5 ways to ...

by Rupert Taylor April 2019

Blog Effective PMOs

3 Fundamentals to Improving PMO Perception and Success

The success of enterprise projects can be significantly enhanced by a combination of simple fundamental factors that will instantly boost senior ...

by Rupert Taylor March 2019

Webinars Effective PMOs

PM Today and Kivue: The Project/C-Suite Communication Chasm

The Project/C-Suite Communication Chasm: New research and practical solutions to solve the executive engagement conundrum.

by Rupert Taylor March 2019

Webinars Effective PMOs

Closing the PMO and Exec communication chasm

A widening communication chasm between senior execs and the PMO community is impacting businesses worldwide. Execs aren’t receiving the information ...

by Rupert Taylor March 2019